With All Energy....

So here I am.... on my couch with a stuffy nose, wet hair and a tired body. Mentally my mind feels dull with a lack of knowledge. Physically I'm a bit tired from this stinking sinus infection. Lastly spiritually I feel... like the fire has totally been put out.
Just a week ago I was in Kansas City Missouri, experiencing the tangible presence of God like I hadn't in a long time. Sorround ed around 15,000 others who were passionately praising Jesus and laying at His feet. We were all on one accord and as the Body of Christ we interceded in a way that I never have before ..... God you revealed to me revelation after revelation after revelation and then I came home.
It's seemed silent here.... Rather the only thing I can here is the blowing of my nose. Why Lord?  Why don't I feel like doing anything special in your pres3nce? Why am I content with reading your Word alone?  What within me has shifted?
I convince myself that you are saying rest and prepare for your last 3 months beloved...... but Lord I want to meet with you! I don't want to go back to school feeling tired. I want to go back prepared for the battle!
Can I ask that of you Lord? That you would please return my physical energy so that I might be able to prepare in my Spirit to meet with you at the battlefield!
I anticipate you are going to do great things: I want to be able to loft my hands win all strength!
I love you Jesus.... you are the lifter of mu head!


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