What an Incredible day!

I've really struggled in these past few weeks to see you Lord passionately. To be zealous about the things that move your heart! I've become complacent.... doing the least when all along you've been 'warming, burning, my heart' to remain excited! But I was on the verge of losing my deep joy for you, until today!

I was able to go and visit a church with gram called Abundant Life Church of God! We've heard plenty of amazing things about the church but what helps them to stand out is their youth. Today, as we entered into the church we were instantly welcomed with hugs and handshakes! And while that was great what has captivated me every sense was the worship! God we got to worship you in a way that I've longed for. Not that it blessed me, because it did, but I was able to lay before you all of my brokenness and my pain and celebrate you as the redeemer of it all! It was so Freeing :) And while I don't know if gram enjoyed it as much because it was different than what she is use to--- I can't help but thank you Lord for being apart of a service, majority youth, where you were center! Brick upon brick, stone upon stone!

And to top the message, the word that you presented through Justin was phenomenol! Romans 12- Never lose our zeal for the Lord and what He is doing! He shared about Phineas in Numbers 23 being said of having the same zeal as God for God's people! Justin reminded us that zeal what is done in our private times with the Lord and will always be blessed outwardly! Incredible reminder to fight never to lose this zeal that you have given me Lord!

If its your will Lord I would really love to go to bible study on tuesday! I have always been a spiritual leader in my relationships around me and I thank you Lord becuase it's all by your guidance but I will be so excited to grow closer to you with a group of men and women my age! My heart has been revived Lord, I was created for community, and it appears Lord that you have opened the door for it to be so! Jesus I'm excited once more!

You have turned my mourning into dancing! What an incredible day!


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