Good Morning World!

Good Morning Father!
    Thank you so much much for your grace and mercy! For waking me up once more to live a life of worship unto you! Hallelujah to your name! I am in an especially joyful mood this morning.... because after months, I am finally downloading one of my favorite songs! It's All About You by Lakewood Church! Yes Yes Yes!

My Reading Today
Genesis 24- 27

Genesis 24: Abraham was about to die, and requested of his right hand servant to go back to his homeland to find a wife for his son Isaac. So the servant goes and prays to the Lord for a very specific sign and the Lord responds by giving him that exact sign. And He finds Rebekah, who would be Isaac's cousin. She comes back with him and as they are riding towards Abraham's land, Rebekah asks the servant of whom the man is, and he states Isaac, His master. It's funny how she responds... instead of getting overly 'giddy' and flirtatious, she covers her face with her veil and waits for him to meet her. LADIES! LET THIS BE A REPRESENTATION TO US ALL!

Genesis 25:  Abraham dies and leaves everything to his son Isaac, and not Ishmael, nor the other sons he had from his second wife. Jacob and Esau are born from Isaac and Rebekah. Esau is a skillful hunter and Jacob was content among the tent, doing housework. Rebekah loved Jacob and Isaac loves Esau. Favoritism rose even them.

Genesis 26 + 27: Jacob, led by his mother, fooled Isaac and received Esau's blessing after taking his birthright.

Sounds like a bunch of deception to me! But we still live in that kind of world :) Lord forgive me for ever being a person who carries the trait of manipulation. But I still wonder was Jacob deceiving his father apart of your plan or did you just use it for your good?


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