Some... in horses, and others in chariots but we trust in the name of the Lord!~~~ How to make it personal? Some trust in governmental aid or their parents financial stability, but my hope is in the creator of it ALL.

Trust! Trust is one of those choices that the Lord has truly carried me a long way in... I remember a time of not trusting anyone or anything. I always felt there was an ulterior motive, but God has brought me to the point of trusting others, not as I trust Him, but as I trust that God will protect and keep me in every situation.

But sometimes the question still comes to me! Lord, you have truly blessed me financially, physically and spiritually and not just a little but abundantly. I have never had to worry that I would be homeless or that I would go without a meal because you have adopted me into your expanse of everything... but that can also be my weakness. Lord, I feel so often that I don't make the conscious effort to trust you. Does that make sense? I just know that you will always provide, whether through people or through the government... which ever route you choose, you always meet my every need! Thank you... but so often I forget to thank you for every small blessing!

Thank you for...

  • Waking me up
  • For allowing me to have had 3 solid meals and a snack
  • For a cell phone, a computer... and every other thing I have that isn't a necessity
  • Thank you for friendships
  • Thank you for a Best friend
  • Thank you for not taking your Grace away from you
  • For loving me so much that you remind me to be thankful
  • For giving me a family that can't support me financially, physically and in many ways spiritually, because it causes me to fall back and rely solely on you
  • For giving me 22 years
  • For the Spirit of Thanksgiving
Lord, I am thankful for your hands that play every single role in my life!
 "A horse is a vain hope for deliverance, despite it's strength, it cannot SAVE"... Psalm 33:17
It ALL started with your Salvation!


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