I wait for you...

Lord :) You know what kind of day its been!

       Words can't even begin to explain just the distance I have felt from you today. The quiet moments when I expected you to speak.... the quietness and stillness and dryness and emptiness. Lord, something is missing. God, I have felt what it feels to be empty... to not have your Holy Ghost residing within me.... God... I am begging. On hands and knees.
       In no way do i feel you have left me :) I know you are still here/very present. But my soul is yearning to just feel your breath once again flow behind my ear. Jesus :) One thing I ask and this one thing I desire, that I may dwell in you house ALL the days of my life; to behold the beauty of your face.
And yet Lord... I will wait. As the Deer panteth for the water, so does my heart panteth after you :)

If I had to choose one thing that I disliked the most... it would be the highs and the lows in my relationship with you. Lord, why do we ever go through dry periods? Tired periods? Restless periods? Your Spirit never leaves us, so what in us draws us away? Is it the busyness of our days? Yes. Is it our internal thoughts? Yes. Is it us? Yes.... Forgive me Lord!

I Honor you Jesus! Please all the fullness of your spirit to be released within me! Shekinah Glory


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