Day 2!

Today's reading was great!!!!

  • While God was speaking to Himself, represented by the term 'us', He stated "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3:22)
    • Was this statement made in a voice of surprise or of disbelief? Is God ever surprised when we make mistakes? 
      • I would think not, seeing that He states that He knows our thoughts afar off!
      • It was this voice, that shares with the reader the first thought of placing plan 'B' in order... Plan of Redemption!
      • How did you feel God?
      • Were you heart broken?
      • Were you dissatisfied with all that you had just made? All the 'Good' things you'd created?
  • When God asked Adam where He was, He states that He was hiding because He was shameful of His nakedness.... Then begins the placement of Not Taking Responsibility
    • Adam stated- The woman you put with me- she gave me some fruit from the tree and I ate it
    • Eve stated- The serpent deceived me and I ate
    • Tish says... Where am I not taking responsibility in my life?
Gracious Father,
    I ask if there be any area of my life that I am hiding from you, I pray that your would reveal it to me that I may freely surrender it quickly. My desire is that you have ALL of me.... I know that I have a sinful nature due to the disobedience of Adam and Eve, but I also have a responsibility to daily repent of my any sin that I commit before you. Please help me, through your Holy Ghost, to rid myself of anything that is turned away from you. I honor and adore you more than this world! I choose LIFE in YOU!


MusiqLuvr said...

This is so great! I am so thankful for you to have helped me, so thanks! Tonight was wonderful. Always good to get some new reading and even if we have read it, it is still necessary! Till we meet again! :)

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