Maybe i should explain!

Maybe i should eplain to you why i chose to title this portion of my journaling 'Bride of Christ'.
For privacy reasons the names in this story have been changed :)

This past year i attended the Honor Academy. The Honor Academy is a one year internship where you have the opportunity,more like a blessing, of going and just dwelving into the spirit of God for a full year. Literally, everyday all day, it was an atmosphere of true love. I absolutely loved it. But after being there for a few days i met a woman named Felicia. Felicia was big into physical touch and lets say i was not. Before i had left home to move to TX, after many horrible encounters with the opposite sex, i decided, i never wanted to get married. HAHAHAHA.
I lived in a room with 5 other girls, and we all grew to be best friends, but that's another post. But felicia, was like our core mom... big sister like, mentor even. Felicia instilled many things within us, but there was one thing that stuck with us the most. 2 words-Devinely Designed. Devinely Designed was something that the lord gave her to share with us. In a nut shell, Devinely Designed is a woman who has a purpose in life. Who the Lord implanted in something so beautiful that it wasn't made for the lord. Felicia would speak with us about this once a week and after a while, we began seeing ourself as women who were devinely designed to fulfill a certain mission for God. Felicia graduated a few months after that.
Then we recieved a new big sister, mentor named Kylie... and it was hard, but just like before, i'll save that for a different post. But with Kylie, the Lord gave her something different. The word Unseen. In that time that we had with Kylie, the lord impressed upon us the true meaning of that simple word. Unseen represents the heart of a woman... As kylie would say, it's like a tree. When a tree is watered, it's roots suck up the fluid and do all the work, but no one see's that. Kylie would tell us that it is in those hard winter times, when the outside of the tree looks horrible that the inside, the heart/roots are doing the most work. Our core verse was Eph. 3:16-19. Before i truly didn't understand the magnitude of it, but now reading it i understand.
("And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowldge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.")
And that is what the Lord was trying to show me in that time of sending these incredible women into my life.... He was trying to show me that he wants one thing... He wants me to see him as a husband and not a master(In that day, you will no longer call me master, but you will call me husband. Hosea 2:16-18). That he wants all of my attention and affection. Because i am his bride!


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