I just wanted to watch a wholesome movie. One without cursing, derogatory joking, sexual depictions and the such of evil... but as I scrolled down the screen, one pornography movie, turned into 3, which turned into all of my options having visual naked people fornicating. Lord, how can a young person live Holy in this world? I'm disgusted, i'm devastated and i'm nervous for my own spirit man. I don't want to fall back into the world of temporary pleasures. And I don't want my hormones to be aroused by mistake....
I am a new creature in Christ Jesus! Called to be pure in my soul, spirit and flesh! I declare and decree that I no longer am a child who runs after the sins of the flesh; for I try to flee. God gave me a new name... He has robed me with the garment of righteousness! And I will not sadden my Everything to dwell on nothing!