I yielded my heart to The Lord on October 30 2006 and began to walk with Him August 15 2008! He strengthened me and gave me an intimate relationship with Him on June 27 2010! I know I love The Lord and nothing can separate me from the Love of God! Not satan, nor myself!
He purchased me at a price! I am His child.... Because of His death. By no doing of my own!
He opened the doors countless times for me to serve in other countries! No matter the motive, people came into an everlasting relationship with Christ Jesus! By and in His wisdom, He has opened up doors for me to speak and proclaim His truth! I have been given these gifts by God to be used for God! These are facts :)
I struggle with...
Discouragement. Easily offended. Allowing love to be an emotion while forgetting that its first a Decision! Being overly critical! Listening to others voices sometimes over Gods. Forgetting to walk in Grace :) being afraid of being refined at the fear that it just may kill me. Trusting God fully. Considering my greatest friendship just that.... My greatest friendship. My place in the Body of Christ! Being a witness in Patience. Putting on a good face! Waxing the mask to tailor just one emotion- HAPPY! When in all reality... I'm lying to them and me!
There's so much more :) God only knows every bit and piece of character flaw I possess. Yet His love is unconditional :) I don't understand it. But I need.... Like my very next breath.... I need Him!
A frightened child reassuring that the lies of the enemy are just that! LIES!
See :) I know what it is :)
When I came to God! I never came broken!I knew I needed a savior.... To save me from hell and to teach me how to be a "better" person! But I never gave Him the opportunity to break me....Into All the small pieces that depict just how wicked and frail I am :)
Wow! Thank you Holy Ghost! I couldn't have figured that out on my own!!!! Wow :)
Even So Lord.... BREAK ME! No matter how much I cry.... Break me so that you may mend me!
Hosea 6:1-
"Come let us return to the Lord: He has torn 'me' to pieces but He will
heal 'me'; He has injured 'me' but He will bind 'my' wounds"
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