The plus to this whole day is that I was able to begin to study the book of acts! 5 verses a day!
Luke right to Theolpilus (Lover of God) and reminds Him/reassures Him of the work Christ did while on earth, post-ressurection and while He is in Heaven. Christ, while eating with the apostles, told them not to leave until the Holy Spirit, which was promised, descended down to fill them. Then they could go out to accomplish the Lords will in spreading the great news of Christ.
This 'Holy Spirit' Christ was speaking about can do all things, but in this context, was going to be sent back down to sanctify them and to allow them to heal and deliver the world unto Christ!
How does this relate to me?
All throughout my day, walking bout discouraged, I didn't have the power to encourage my own self/ Even when I prayed it felt nothing changes. But just as Christ told the apostles to wait, so He has told us... to wait for our comforter! Thank you Jesus!
I will wait! I love you! You will come :) Tomorrow is a NEW DAY! Hallelujah
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