When someone messes with our minds, they mess with our most precious treasure! and that is why satan is so out to destroy our inner thoughts. Our mindsets.
satan. the accuser of the brethren is not out to play a one time game of accusation, he is set on killing us spiritually and physically.
Bishop TD Jakes posed a question. Unlike the martyrs in the bible and throughout history, we don't know persecution in America. We don't have the honor here in this free land to be sawed in half or crucified upside down for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And because of that, satan knows the one way that he is able to kill us.... and it's an underground plan.... to trap us, kidnap us, enslave us to the orifice of our mind. If he can get our minds, he can surely kills us. Take away our very spirits of joy, love and peace.
This is hitting home with me because after going a month or so without any impure thoughts, I had a dream last night that was nothing but sin. And Father i do repent, but I remember waking up and thinking "But Lord, I have been purifying my mind and my heart before you..." and instead of feeling condemned, I was happy when the Lord said "my child, keep guarding your heart and your mind"! Yes Lord I will!
I have learned to not get bogged down, discouraged and brokenhearted when satan influences certain thoughts to cross my mind, because I know he will. He wants me to fall. He wants me to die. He wants me to turn my attention from Christ and wallow in my own mess.... but thanks be to God who has promised to cleanse me from ALL unrighteousness! I am Purified by His Holy Ghost and I no longer live but Christ lives in me!
He that is in Christ Jesus is a new creature, the old has gone, a new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17
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