You have brought me through so much God! There are things that you have done, that have assured me that your strength is perfect. I consider everything that I have a blessing knowing that there are people who are without. For every tangible blessing, I praise you for.... but what I am more thankful for are the spiritual heights and deliverance's you are call me from and to...
Lord! My desire is to walk in your blessings everyday, but there are still things that I am struggling with.
1. Lord, you have made me into the kind of person who knows what I want. I try to be a person who sways neither left nor right... but so often it is a weakness It causes me to be a very PRIDEFUL person often. Lord.... please humble me Father.
2. Faithful father, there are certain areas in my life that I give to you and then reel back in.... In some of my relationships, though I see you working and moving, sometimes I tend to try and take control. Lord, I don't want to have anything that you do not have full control over. The biggest is relationships. Faithful father, you are in control :) I release my fingers, and my hands God.... I don't want to do any harm to what you are in the midst of molding. Have your way. Use me as your vessel. Please remain the center of everything that you have blessed me with.
3. Jesus... you have broken me many times before. You have taken me to a low and though this is crazy to ask for Lord, I am asking that you would just wreck my life. God..... I need an emotional stirring... I need and want to cling to you more than anything. Maybe that's what it is God... I just want to hug you. Lord I just need a hug father.

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