I've learned..

    I've learned what it is :) You... my source, my head, my everything! While sitting here blogging and listening to some worship songs Lord you reminded me of something that was stated by someone yesterday. They related to their wait for you to return as their husband... that it's been so long.

    I am ready for you to return. Jesus, when I married you, I committed to spend eternity with you. During dry and wet season. Sickness and Health. Life and Death... As you committed to me, I exchanged that same vow with you. Lord, but you have been gone for so long. I am your Bride and I miss you. I need you gracious Father. I miss your touch. Your voice. Your scent. Your love. Jesus.... I miss you rubbing my back. Caressing my thoughts. Rocking me to sleep... The wait is so hard. If I could just see your face.

Lord, please begin to reveal yourself to me in ways of your choosing. Please leave me little love notes. Please romance me as you used to :)

I will wait :) I know that you are away at work right now, so I won' t be selfish :) There are bigger and more important things that need tending to, but whenever you can.... please stop by! I love you so much :) I have been thinking of you so much! Can't wait to be with you...

Forever yours,
Bride of Christ


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