I only live for one reason, and one day i would love to share this with you face to face... but now that we are here and your eyes are attatched, let me say this... that i live only to serve Jesus Christ. There have been so many things that have tried to distract my attention, but the lord grace is to prevelant within my life.
I was just sitting here and thinking about 2 things.
1. All of the people who have ever attended the honor Academy, but have just recently left their faith. How can you devote your life to the lord for one year... with constant praise and worship and intercessory prayer and just walk away. I can't imagine myself ever without him, because without him there is no me. I am nothing but a broken vessel seeking a savior. And i just pray that those people, who are so loved by the lord, would just stop and count the cost.
2. All of the people who have heard the message of Jesus Christ. That Jesus was sent by God in human form as a babe to come as the messiah(saviour) and tell everyone of the good news. That Jesus Christ was flogged and beaten and cruxified on the cross.Only because he loved us so much that he was willing to die so that we may have everlasting life with God. Why did he have to die? Because we, as in you and i, were born into a sinful nature, and the only way to get to God was through a pure clean lamb, Jesus. After being laid in a tomb for three days, the Lord arose and was ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God. But the point of it all was that the Lord loved us so much that he thought we deserved a chance to live in heaven with him for eternity? Why would God feel we deserved this? Because he is a compassionate God. Isn't that enough? What much more proof do we need to see that he is giving us every opportunity to be saved. Do we recognize the consequence of not accepting Christ! HELL, the consequence is hell. "For the wages of sin is death, but the wages of righteousness is eternal life"(Romans) We must turn from our ways, but we are such a prideful people, that we don't want to stop the things that we are doing, and i was the worst. I love having fun, but when i realized that i was truly empty and that i was never going to fulfill myself through sex and lies, i cried out to him and he answered
So i say to you, as a friend. What's stopping you? The Lord has always been there, he is just waiting for you. I live to remind this world that "We have fallen short of the glory of God-Romans 3:23
I was just sitting here and thinking about 2 things.
1. All of the people who have ever attended the honor Academy, but have just recently left their faith. How can you devote your life to the lord for one year... with constant praise and worship and intercessory prayer and just walk away. I can't imagine myself ever without him, because without him there is no me. I am nothing but a broken vessel seeking a savior. And i just pray that those people, who are so loved by the lord, would just stop and count the cost.
2. All of the people who have heard the message of Jesus Christ. That Jesus was sent by God in human form as a babe to come as the messiah(saviour) and tell everyone of the good news. That Jesus Christ was flogged and beaten and cruxified on the cross.Only because he loved us so much that he was willing to die so that we may have everlasting life with God. Why did he have to die? Because we, as in you and i, were born into a sinful nature, and the only way to get to God was through a pure clean lamb, Jesus. After being laid in a tomb for three days, the Lord arose and was ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God. But the point of it all was that the Lord loved us so much that he thought we deserved a chance to live in heaven with him for eternity? Why would God feel we deserved this? Because he is a compassionate God. Isn't that enough? What much more proof do we need to see that he is giving us every opportunity to be saved. Do we recognize the consequence of not accepting Christ! HELL, the consequence is hell. "For the wages of sin is death, but the wages of righteousness is eternal life"(Romans) We must turn from our ways, but we are such a prideful people, that we don't want to stop the things that we are doing, and i was the worst. I love having fun, but when i realized that i was truly empty and that i was never going to fulfill myself through sex and lies, i cried out to him and he answered
So i say to you, as a friend. What's stopping you? The Lord has always been there, he is just waiting for you. I live to remind this world that "We have fallen short of the glory of God-Romans 3:23
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