
Tonight i had the opportuniy of going and actually seeing some of my past. As a child that grew up in the system, it had it's up, but so many downs. It was hard many times... it truly was. But i have made it out. Only through grace was i saved and able to tell the story. If someone were to ask me what my overall experience was as a foster child... i tuly would say it was amazing and i would do it again in a second. Because through foster care, one, i accepted the Lord and 2 i made some of the most amazing friends.

Every year Berea hosts a christmas party for children in the system or aged out.I'd been going there all my life but tonight seemed different. With every encounter i made, i saw that person through someone elses eyes. I saw them as people that the Lord sent to me. and because i was so angry in the past, i wasn't able to truly value their friendship. Tonight i took that opportunity back... i smiled more, laughed more, talked more, even ate more. Tonight was amazing and i can truly say that i felt at home with these people... they were in deed my family.

P.S. You may never read this, but for everyone who works with Berea Childrens home, including Monica, Debby and Ebony, i truly want to thank you all. Because of you i am a person who finds joy in life, because of the time you chose to deliver on my behalf. You all have a very special place in my heart. And i love you all truly.


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