Dec.13th, 2009..5:20 p.m
I went to go and get on my plane, but my ticket was turned away because of a gate change... I instantly began getting emotional. The Clerks told me that they would put me onto another airline.... As i walked away my tears began to drop. WHY? Because things weren't going as planned.
I felt as if this always happen to me. It was horrible.... I rode on a Skyline to another terminal, on which i met a man who spoke with me and told me that 'it happens'. Riding down the escalator to the new gate, my heart and spirit were just low. I couldn't shake it.
After getting my ticket, i noticed there was a starbucks and usually i don't drink there but today, after all the junk that was happening, i decided to. I needed something that could energize me and give me a little peice of joy.
So i went into Starbucks, and there was a lady who served me. Her name was very long and hard to pronounce. I asked her how it was said and she told me to try, which sort of made me chuckle. Then she said it and i was very surprised. This lady looked about mid 30's maybe even 40's, tan skinned, she wasn't from this country. I thought maybe Saudia Arabia or Egypt maybe. So we talked alittle, i told her about my plane change, i asked her suggestion on a drink and she said i was to young to be stressed. I laughed
After a second went by, i asked her "What ethnicity are you?" I don't usually do that with strangers, but i had to know.
Then She said "Ethiopian". My heart fell to the ground. If you know anything about me, then you would know, that i believe and have faith that the Lord has called me to Ethiopia Africa as a medical missionary. So when she said this, i just told her everything. I told her how the Lord has called me there and how she made my day and how i am very passionate about her culture. Then i asked her if she spoke Amharic and she laughed and said yes...i think she was surprised at how much i knew. Then i asked her if she could say something. She said "How are you" but she wrote it in her language which looked like a bunch of symbols. After that i paid and i told her that , i look forward to one day being in Ethiopia and telling this story
The Moral of this story, is that just in that perfect timing the Lord showed me and reminded me that there are people who have far more troubles than a canceled plane flight... There was a reason why the Lord had me miss that flight and the thought of that reasoning marvels me... because through all of my crying the Lord saw what the future held.
Proverbs 19;21 says "Many are the plans of a man's heart but the lords purpose always prevails"
Lord thankyou for being my father... Lord thankyou for opening my eyes to the truth. Even while i was selfish Lord you showed me your love and just how much it stretches. Jesus please teach me to be patient and not anxious. Lord you are so good
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