Sin. Pecado. Lawlessness.... Father why must we struggle with such a horrible inheritance? Why can't we ever get it right? Why do I disappoint you so often? And myself? I'm not quite sure the answer to any of these questions... so once again I must rely on your Grace!

But there is this one sin that haunts me. A sin of the past and present that continues to tempt me. Overtake me. Overcome. So often I have prayed that you would deliver me. Set me free. But it seems as though this one is written in my DNA. I've tried rebuking the tempter, speaking scripture, pleading with you... but my mind won't rest. Father, as you have extended Grace to me all of my life, will you please continue to.... but also share with me what I must do to rebuke satan? So often i feel like a victor of the chains You break off of me, but then others I feel so much bondage.
Regardless of how I feel, I thank you for your unfailing love. That's all i have ever been able to lean upon. So once again, I will rest with a heart that is repentant, yet urging and expectant of the work your hands will do!
Savior.. Please :) I can't keep moving forward. This is the thorn in my side.
Ancestor of Paul
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