During the summer you told me to Glorify You and in due time you would exalt me.... Lord! I'm trying to glorify you with me whole heart, but it seems the more I seek to serve you by serving others..... the more I love on you... the More I seek to deny myself, the more days I have that are touched with this plague of shame. I'm not sure what to do but to continue to praise you.... So with my mouth I say this!!! God, I recognize pain is meant to bring us closer to you.... Here I am :)
Please help me to recognize the lessons in this journey as you present them!
Lesson 1:
I am experiencing a set back so that I may learn how to sympathize with others who to feel shameful or like failures! (Please help me to speak into their lives)
My Dear Father,
While I am sensitive, please continue to speak to me. While I myself struggle please help me to help others. Now and always I will give you Glory! Hallelujah :) I love you more!
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