How can I sit and listen in the other room, knowing that your heart God is hurting? I hate it... I hate sin. I hate the lustfulness of it. I hate how it causes women to forget that their body is the Lords. I hate feeling like I am the offspring of nothing. I hate seeing the potential that God desires while also seeing the present state. I hate hating.
Father, I know very clearly that you are keeping me. That you continue to protect me, and honor me, and graciously favor me as I glorify you. My prayer is for HER. That though she may feel she looks good on the outside, where man can only see, that she would consider her soul more worth living than any temporary feeling. As you continuously pursue her, may ONE day she find her beauty in you. May she consider her body, every part of it, a source of sacrifice and not a vessel of dishonor. God.... I know you are able to totally transform, shape and mold Her into All that you created her to be... In your timing. Please help me to remain patient. To continue to serve. To love without limits! In you I am able to feel these emotions. Forgive me for not always responding the way you desire :) I too constantly need your voice to speak louder than the voice of mine enemy. I love you Father!
"Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling, to present you blameless before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ...To the only wise God our Savior be Glory and Majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen"- Jude 1:24-25
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