My accountability partner and I have been doing a devotional called CRAVE, which deals with food addictions and etc :) It's absolutely amazing, but lately I haven't been receiving much help/wisdom from them.... well, because I don't have an addiction to food. But as she and I sat after reading the devotional today, I got to share with her about me not feeling very helped by her words... and she said "Well, we have to come to the understanding of what it is that we crave more than God"...

BAM! That was definitely the Lord. And He has revealed it to me. Truthfully, i'd wished it wasn't this that I struggle with but it is, and that's control. I still very much so have an issue, a struggle with trying to have everything perfect, doing everything perfect, trying to be perfect... Lord thank you for sharing this with me.
One of the hardest things for me to accept is that this problem is very real... but sometimes God has to tell it to us straight. So....
Lord! I know you are able to deliver me from this sin immediately, but I thank you for the process of teaching me slowly! God, I surrender everything. I will not control my relationship with you or with anyone else. I am not perfect, will never be... but I am your child :) Forgive me.
Soon to be ex-controller!
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