Lord you have...
Taken my heart and made it into an intimate pursuer of you!
You have blessed me with discernment
You've blessed me with a greater desire for YOU than any other year before!
But not just love you, but to love on YOU!
God, God, God!!!! My words are not solid enough to truly send thanks for everything you have done!
You have spoken word over me
You have taught me your word!
You have allowed me to see what life is without daily communion with you! And I have learned to dislike it!
Sanctified me in many areas and still moving!
You have delivered me!!!!
God YOU have broken chains.
You taught me the true meaning of salvation--- and that specified by any particular doctrinal belief!
You have shown me the true meaning of Sanctification and GRACE!
You have purified me.... God, you have set me apart for your perfect will
You have rebuked me--- but have taught me right from wrong
You have calmed my worries
You have wiped away many tears :) God, those nights!
You have cleansed me and given me new garments
I no longer daily struggle with sexual impurity- physical, mental or emotional
You have made me into a WOMEN!
You have reconciled me with my sister!!!!
You are reconciling my family
My Uncle Kevin is out of jail
My Grandfather has Kidney cancer, but your perfect will shall break every chain
My Uncle Levonte is seeking to find you :) You will open the door!!!!!!!
My Grandparents (The Morris's)- Their daily support and prayers
-Lord, you have given me a second chance and I honor you that you would choose me to be the Best Friend of someone. Lord, I graciously thank you for the friendship you have given me in Heather Sapatka! God, earlier this year you released me from a friendship that was contrary to your perfect will... and a few months later you opened the door to a pure, holistic, faithful friendship and sisterhood! I have been blessed by her, more than I could ever reciprocate and I sit in awe every time Heather and I speak together, Pray together, worship together! I don't deserve to have a Best Friend, but I daily place what you have given us, on your altar. Whatever ministry you give to us as sisters, I accept! ~As Iron sharpens Iron, so does a friend sharpen another~ Thank you Lord for Heather Sapatka
-Lord, I thank you for Dea Artz, Katherine Bell, Hannah Coe, Bradi Baumman, Brittany Gilmore, Breanna Cameron and the remainder of those that you have allowed me to have a great friendship with! May you continuously bless them
My grades have improved
You allowed me to be mentored by Bonnie Van Winkle! Wow, what a blessing
You allowed me to partake in an intro to spiritual Journey course! It truly brought me closer to you!
You opened the door for me to speak in Chapel on Nov. 12th
Thank you Lord for our Gospel Choir and Danielle! You are teaching us how to worship!
I have received two refund checks and will be purchasing a car this next year- Your will be done
You allowed me to get Health Insurance--- And I was able to get my wisom teeth removed :)
Starting clinical(s) next semester
Applied to UH to volunteer in the summer- Your will
You allowed me to serve in Mexico summer of 2012
You are continuously impressing upon my heart medical missions
My struggles this year!
Impure thoughts
* I speak over these struggles that I had in the year of 2012 and I rebuke each and every one of them in the name of Jesus Christ! satan, you have no more control over my thoughts, my emotions and my body. I will be a living sacrifice to God! I am God's bond servant and I choose to remain pure before HIM! In Jesus Name, cleaning and deliverance.
My struggles this year!
*These will no longer be struggles that I will have, because by the power of Jesus and His Holy Ghost, I will be sanctified as God see's fit. I am new creature in Christ. The old is gone, a new has COME! I will walk in it!
God! This year has been one of lessons learned and open Grace! Every time I fell, condemned myself, stepped outside of my perceived view of your grace, you picked me up, dusted me off and reminded me that you didn't save me for anything that I have done! YOU saved us because you loved your human creation more than any other created thing!
You desire companionship more than anything else in this world! And that is what you taught me to reciprocate this year :) Lord I repent once more for this year of 2012--- I repent that I didn't seek your face more :) I have learned to move past the failures of yesterday and accept your new mercies of this day! Your GRACE has kept me!
I am unworthy of this gift! To be considered your child :) But you love me! You desire me more than any man would ever! More than any friendship could ever! You love every time I call out your name :)
I will never be the same after this year! I may have highs and lows, but I will never ever ever ever forget every opportunity that you gave me to draw closer to You! You have changed my name :) I am Your Bride!!!
May this next year be 100 times as intimate with you :) I am changed because of your Love!
Miss Otisha my best friend! Thank you for sharing! Jesus is making you into such a BEAUTIFUL MASTERPIECE, growing you day by day it has been so neat seeing you grow this year! I am so excited being on this journey with you & can't wait to see all that Jesus is going to do in your life in this new year! I am beyond thankful for the precious gift of your friendship and the journey The Lord is going to take us on as we live in obedience to Him!
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