I have been sitting here and thinking what that truly means :) So this is how I see it!
God will not move me into my destiny because I have the credentials for a certain thing or because I have already attained the tools to be best suit for a particular job. But before the foundation of the world, God has been equipping me to be what He desires. But what is my number one calling!
My number one purpose and desire is to live for the Lord. To praise you God, not because you have given me the worlds best, but because you saved me from the depths of Hell. I praise you because you died on the Cross for my life to be a representation of your mission. So what is my calling? To Love you and my neighbor!
Lord, however you desire to use me, I am willing! I know your will is perfect, and I know you haven't allowed me to go through 4 years of nursing school just to pass time! I know you are equipping me to be your hands in the nursing field. Where? I have no idea? When? I don't know! And I will wait! But that's the fun part.... having to wait on you hand and feet, knowing that it's already settled!
Have your way God! You lead us on a straight path of righteousness for your name sake!
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