Father, it had been a weird few days as you know. But today, Saturday after praying daily that you would search my heart and reveal to me any offensive way towards you, that's exactly what I did! These are the things that you have shown me!
1. If I publicly sin, I must publicly repent. Last night I lied to someone. In my mind I repented and after during my prayer I repented but it just wouldn't go away. I thought it was the condemnation of satan, but I soon realized it was your very voice. Thank you Jesus! It makes me so happy that you are continuously giving me a spirit of discernment....
But why did I lie?
I still struggle with a Pride or need to appear Holy before others. Holier than thou! Why? Because I am not completely happy with my relationship with Christ... I want more but haven't been willing to go deeper. I was challenged last night regarding the difference between 'reading' and 'studying' God's word. I give excuses for why I can't just dwell in the presence of God. Thank you Holy Ghost for revealing this to me...
2. Who is on the throne? You have shown me.... that I keep removing you from the High seat and replacing myself. Forgive me Lord. Show me how to change. I daily pray that I may decrease that you may increase, but I so often take the wheel. Lead me father! I want to come into a posture of bowing down beside your throne. Not standing or inching up. I don't want to share it with you :) I want and desire that you would be the reign-er over my life.... but I find that its so easy for me to make the switch. Teach me Lord, I will follow.
3. Lord, once a few years back I asked you to show me how to love you. To unconditionally love you :) And this I do. You have shown me how and I have imitated by watching you! But Lord, I don't know if I have ever made the decision to be 'CONTENT' with you? Yesterday the question was asked... "If everything you have and everyone you loved was taken away tomorrow, would you be content with just Jesus"... It took me a while to say yes. But even then, I wasn't even sure. My whole praise unto you stems from your blessings upon my life. The evident blessings of family, shelter, food, school, friendship and etc..If all of that was gone tomorrow, I think I would be lost.
Lord, my desire is that you would continue to fill me with You and you alone. That I wouldn't ever have to look any other place to bring Happiness... Help me to be content, but more than happy, with just YOU! You---- The God of Everything! Every emotion!
Gracious Father,
I choose YOU! Daily, my desire is to fall more in love with you. You are my King, my husband my Best Friend. I will never leave you nor forsake you Jesus! I am here for a lifetime... but my desire is that my roots would grow deeper and deeper and drink in your living water. I don't want to taste the stagnant creek, but your refreshing stream!
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