LUKE 21:19
"In Your Patience, possess ye your souls!"
"In your Patience, you shall preserve your soul"
"In your Patience, you will SAVE your soul"
Lord! What can I say to a God who has been so Good to me! My words cannot even begin to explain the Joy that I feel! The satisfaction with you Alone! Father it has been One full year :) You have done so much. You have taught me so much. You have given me so much and you have withheld so much. Everything you have done, I stand here to say thank you! God have protected me from what I deserved and have preserved my life for what's yet to come! I owe you my entire world. My being. Every breath that I breathe. I honor you Jehovah for your strength. Love. Truth. Your endurance with me, when my face was not solely turned towards you! You satisfy every nerve in my body!
52 Weeks! 364 days. 8736 hours. 524160 minutes. 31449600 second.... every moment you covered me. Changed me. Planted that seed within me! Thank you
Surely I had times of discouragement. Times when my focus was not on you. Where I allowed myself to take you off of your throne, that I may slide on. There were times when I disobeyed and didn't listen to your voice as I should have. Times when I compromised. When I chose to put my temporary satisfaction over your permanent gratification. But there were also many times when you spoke and I listened. You waited and I stopped. You called and I answered.
Through this year, I have learned...
- What TRUE intimacy looks like
- Where to take my heart when it's broken! To the Healer
- What relationships look like
- What your word says regarding LIFE
- How the OT and NT are Types and Shadows
- What being Open and Vulnerable Look like
- How preparation prevents a lot of future issues
- What Truth is!
- To never Compromise
- Allow my yes' and No's to be just that
- Stand my ground-Firm
- But to Humble Myself
- What Your view of Purity is!
- To never want something more than I want you
- To never Value people/relationships more than I value and Honor you
- To see myself as you see me!
- That I have not arrived!
- I too need to accept encouragement and words
- Talk everything through
- Never miss my time with you!
- Come to you instead of asking you to draw to me!
- Secrets only bring discord
- Stop thinking or caring what others think of me

NEW life Message!~
If God is for me Who could Ever stand against me?
Where to go from Here now?
- Today I would like to ask Heather to be my Best Friend! Though it's already been established by you Lord, I want to share with her some of the things you have shown me!
- Begin Praying about what you would have me to start up next? For this next year!
- Commit to Prayer
- Continue with my pursuit of Purity! From GOMER to The Bride of Christ
My Promise to You- With your help and discernment I promise to never let anyone else or anything ever take my attention away from you! I will never again compromise my mind, body or soul! Please keep me accountable! Please cause my roots to Deepen in you and nothing else!
I love you Lord! Speak with you Soon!
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