To see your hands move...

Lord, these past 2 days have been absolutely amazing! Not only was I able to share with people the good and not so good things about their health, but I was also able to witness the salvation of 3 men.... Luiz, luiz and Alberto, our 3 bus drivers. Lord I saw what you did Jesus. I remove myself from the picture.... I am your vessel. O how I am going to miss Manantial de Salvacion :(

Lord may your presence and healing continue to flourish in that place! Encourage and bless the pastor and His first lady... As well as the saints. I have seen a new level of love today. One lady actually went back to her home around 2 only to come back around 5 having cooked me a full meal with chocolates inside. Lord, it wasn't about the food.. Its what you are showing me! What a true servant looks like :) Please continue to make me into a servant Senor!

I love you with my everything! With All of me


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