It is Only 9 in the Morning and I already have a praise!!! Hallelujah!
All week there has been someone who I just met last week or so texting me wanting to meet, but through a series of other things, i was not able until this morning!!!! At seven-ish, awoke, went to the Cafe met with her!!!! Before praying and everything, I was a bit nervous, because there are specific tests that I know are coming up, so in a way I was preparing myself for those...
Any who, as we began to talk, she explained to me her background of how she came to know and surrender to Christ! I was happy she had desired to share that with me! Then she went on to say that when she was 17 she had read in the bible about the Unpardonable Sin, and wanted to know What it Was and if she had done it!!!! To make a long story short, the Lord spoke through me in sharing with her what the bible says about denying Christ... I truly thank the Lord, because he spoke to her through his word... He spewed out verses that I don't ever remember memorizing and some of the things that he stated regarding worship and the Soul... I thank him... I thank you Lord! It was all you, I will not take your Glory.
But it was in this last part that really ministered to my spirit and spoke volumes to how I saw my own sin... At the end, she looked to me and said, "so there is no sin that can separate me from God... "And He Quoted "Romans 8:38 "neither death nor life, angels nor demons, things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any creation shall be able to separate us from the Love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord"~ The bible says that God is a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1) But i would also assert in the time of 'need'!!!! Praise #1( More to Come)
And of Course there is more!!! THe Lord has been faithful in every single way today! Not only did we get to retake a test, we also got to use our notes, book and a partner!!!! How wonderful is that! I had a good day! Thank you Lord!
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