I'm Back!

Wow, it's been a while....

Well, let me start off by saying that my name is Tish! I am the creator of this wonderful blog entitled blog of Christ! The last time i posted was in my sometime so many things have changed, such as...
1. Mission trip to Dallas (July 20th-Aug. 8th)!!! It was wonderful. Unlike any of the previous trips I was a leader, which was a bit different in that I didn't minister to those we went to minister to. My ministry was towards those who also came on the trip. Interesting. Difficult but definitely a spiritual growth. I also have a new Accountability Partner. I will be writing more about that in the next post though.

2. I transferred schools. I no longer attend Ursuline College. I am not at Mount Vernon Nazarene University which is about two hours away from home. Do I like it, yes I do. Are there things I dislike, yes there is. But every morning I have to remind myself that the Lord has called me here for a very specific reason, and I have to just let my desires pass.

3. I will be starting a 21 day Daniel Fast on Sunday. Am i excited? O yes. More than anything. I know that every time i set aside things for the Lord and to get closer to him he honors that request. And what I am really wanting right now is to fully be immersed in his spirit! So i cannot wait!!!

4. I am taking Spanish which is wonderful, but my favorite class would have to be my Foundations of Missions on Tuesdays and Thursdays! In this class we actually debate on our personal beliefs about biblically related topics, opinionated things and etc. So on this blog, there will be a lot of things posted, that will be directly link to what we spoke about. I hope you enjoy! I am happy to be Back!!! Hopefully everyday!


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