Psalm 16
"Lord you have assigned me my portion and my cup.... i will praise the Lord who counsels me.... with him at my right hand i will not be shaken.... my tongue rejoices... .because you will not abandon me... you make known to me the path of life...... eternal pleasures at your right hand!!!!"
Does it get any better than this... Lord Jesus thank you for showing me this. It says the sorrow of those who run after other Gods will increase!!!! There is only one God who is worthy of being praised. My founder, your provider, Yahweh... He is a Jealous God who desires all of us and not just our left overs, as said greatly by Francis Chan in Crazy Love.
Our God, My God is so great! I asked him to show me how to love him and wow, have i seen it taking place. My father, my strength has reminded me of why i fell in love with him!!!!!!
Wow, when i was at the Honor Academy, the Lord really placed Psalm 18 upon my heart for a great deal of time... but for the longest, the only part that really caught me eye was verse 25 "To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless" and in my mind, i thought of all the materialistic blessings that the Lord could provide me with. Not the emotional spiritual Love that i really need.
But as i am sitting here, listening to Psalm 18 and focusing on verses 1-24 all i can say is wow....
"The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer.... in whom i take refuge... the horn of my salvation.... i have been saved from my enemies.... cords of the grave coiled around me.... in my distress.... i cried to my God for help.... From his temple... my cry... into his ears... the foundations trembled.. they shook because he was angry.... dark clouds under his feet.... darkness his .... canopy around him... brightness of his presence... thundered from heaven.... voice resounded.... scattered thine enemies... foundations laid bare..... blast of breathe.... he reached down from on high and took hold of me..... he rescued me from my ..... day of disaster... but the Lord was my support...... He rescued me because he delighted in me.... He has rewarded me according to my righteousness....You o Lord, keep my lamp burning: My God turns my darkness into Light!!!!!!!"
My God, help me! There is no greater warrior than that of a father!!! Flawless is this God that i serve! This man who delights in me, who i am, that i may be called worthy?(Psalm 8:4) I consider myself nothing, because i am nothing without the Ayuda(Help), Amor(Love) y Paz(Peace) of my God.... Who would save you if you were alone.... Do you think you could take on a whole army???? It is by God's power, his strength that changes a heart from stone to flesh! He gives his children the best gift of unfailing Love. Amen Lord, Amen! You are worthy of my praise!
Lord, thank you!!! For your display has woo-ed me and i am yours!
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