Lord i have this new favorite song, called "When i think about the Lord" by Rita Springer and it is amazing.. . It truly moves me, because there are so many times when i think about you and i just am blown away Lord. At this point in my life i am feeling guilty because i am not spending enough one on one time with you, please forgive me Lord. I will try harder!
Lord, i just ask that you would help me Lord with school. Jesus i am not as smart as other people but you have called me to go here, so please help me. I try not to get overwhelmed but when i see fail after fail it's hard! Jesus, as you know i also recently gave up watching Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives because it was arousing sinful desires in my heart! I pray that you would continue to help me with this Lord, you are faithful Jesus! Thank you for your love!
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