Someone has to know what it feels like to be fat! To look in the mirror and not see what God see's. To want to perform liposuction on yourself, or to even go to Mexico and have it done.... It's hard.
I went away and lost 62 pounds and now i am slowly but surely gaining it back. Starving and killing myself, refusing to let it win. I try everyday to try and give it to the Lord, but the very next second, i feel disgusted. When i go to put a pair of jeans on that fit perfectly one day, and now they don't fit so well, i want to cry...
In the mind of a secret obeise person, you can't tell them their beautiful or that one or 2 lbs won't hurt. It affects them like a virus can affect the whole community
Lord, please i am hurting and i need you Lord. You have won so many of these battles and i just ask that you would take this away from me and never allow it to come back. Lord, i know you can and you will. I give it over because your a big God. Bigger than any of my problems. Lord, i love you more than my weight and temporary suffering, and if it came to being fat and loving you, Lord i would rather be fat... Jesus
Satan, you are a liar... and i do not need to be encouraged by others to know that i am loved by Jesus.. That i am his beauty, whether fat or skinny. Jesus loves me all the same. And he will send me someone who loves me for me! As he does...
I feel the victory has been won already.... i truly do! Thankyou God
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