Today was a great day. I awoke, attended church, we spoke about having a faith that s real. After church i went home and just hung out with my family, it was great. Anyhow, last night through a series of events, i found out that one of my very very good friends will actually be going down to Texas, which means that i will get to see her.
Her name is Ana, i call her Reiss-o-nator. We attended the Honor Academy together, we worked in the same place together, she was there for me through all my hard times, i love her to death, but the reason that i say this all is to say that she actually gave me a call and we spoke for about an hour.. it was great. Shes doing well by the way! But while we were talking, i realized that i am one of the most blessed people in the world, because i was given friends who love the Lord with all their heart.
So that was the first highlight of my day. Second was my brothers returning. My big brother Ron is 20 years old and him and my father actually went to Florida because my brother has major talent... He was asked to go and perform in front of a group of people who could possibly sign him over on their contract.(I would ask that you be in prayer for him, that he may possess a discerning heart).. But before he returned my big sister, Christina, and i ran to Dairy Queen and purchased a cake. When he returned, we surprised him with it and sang the congratulations song. But it was just really good having him back... Really good.
So now i am back in my room, just finished packing my bags for my trip to Texas, i am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See ya soon
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