Now with the Christmas season coming up, i have found myself... How would i say it? Preoccupied with other things. Christmas shopping, end of the year flu shots, family time, catching up with old friends and etc. But i have not really had much time to sit and have my one on one time with the Lord. And he hasn't failed to remind me. There are times when i lay my head down, when i have the sudden thought to go and get my bible or pray, little things like that... The voice of God. But i have been doing the thing that seems least work oriented.
Basically in a nut shell, i have been slipping and the Lord has stopped me once again. And its not that anything horrible has happened because everything great has been happening, esp. getting my first college report card. But because The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are an intimate entity, he has shown me where my heart was lying, in the world.
So, to move on, tonight i listened to an IHOP podcast titled "Intimacy with God". I just listened and listened and was very taken aback by many things, but the one thing that really made me sit in awe was a part that said "God desires to be intimate with us. That is why, when he made the heavens and the earth and the Land and the sea he made man, for fellowship. While man walked in the Garden of Eden, God came down and walked with him." From the one sentence, the Lord has shown me that he is not this guy in heaven who just loves me, but he is a man who desires to see me, speak to me, look at me. That God makes himself vulnerable with us humans because he wants to show us how he loves. Something else that was mentioned is that the whole story of the bible is "Pursuit of Man".
And so tonight my eyes have been truly opened to seeking one thing. And that doesn't mean to not hang out with my friends or family, but that means everything that i do, do it for the Lord. Also, to ask the Lord to fill me, so that i may seek him... Because, i as well as all of us, are a group of weak people and sometimes Quiet times will get boring and they won't always be the same... But there always great
Something i have to keep praying for is just wisdom and revelation in knowing God more, but man it's all going to be worth it! God is good, he truly is
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