Carm, Mr. Kent and myself decided to go on a beautiful car ride this morning around 10, which was originally planned for 9, but you will see how amazingly Gods timing was orchestrated. We went to a place that i'd never been called Squaw Rock; a beautiful nature filled metro-park in Chagrin Ohio. After parking the car, Mr. Kent told Carm and I that the bike path we would be riding would bring us back to our starting point.... we were excited. So we begin to ride, excited and thrilled about the adventure and quality time we'd have... but this thrill quickly diminished as we found ourselves facing giant hills which felt like 23 feet high, but were in reality 2 or 3 feet; they were gradual. At one point, Carms asthma began to flare and we had to take a rest period.
After a few minutes in the shade, we jumped on our bikes to face the treacherous journey before us (spoken by a truly out of shape woman). 30 minutes turned into 50 minutes, which turned into the realization that the path we were on was not leading us back to the starting point. So we stop to ask a man who too was on the path walking his dog. He shares with us that we are not only miles past our starting point but we are also in an entirely different city... WHATTTTTTTTTT! YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME? Then I asked to use his phone to call my uncle and he passively said no without actually speaking the words.
About 4-5 minutes later, a white truck pulls over, hands us paper towels to clean the man off. They leave and though my desire would be to clean off this entire mans body, I begin to apply pressure to his wound. He takes his shirt off and allows me to place it on his head, he holds down. Within a few minutes another white jeep pulls over, a woman jumps off and says that she's a nurse... I run off the details.... I too am a nurse.. he has a hematoma on the left side of his head, bleeding has slowed, pressure applied, do you have any water that I can place a wet rag on his wound? She gets the water. Another man from an illuminating company comes and asks if we need anything... the nurse Shelly asks for gloves and gauze and as soon as I put them on to prepare to wrap his head, I hear the ambulance coming. So i place everything aside and ask the man if I could pray with him. His name was Mark, age 61.
As Shelly and I stepped back and allowed the fire department and ambulance to now care for Mark we began to talk and I share with her how it was God that brought us down the hill. How it was all orchestrated. Then she tells me that she usually doesn't come that route, but as she was listening to Tim McGraws 'Live like you're dying song' she decided to go another way. She too came to the realization that it was all God's plan. We laughed and talked about God's perfect timing....
What a day :) A perfectly orchestrated day!
As I reflect on all the details, I am reminded of my past 3 weeks of working at the camp as a nurse. God didn't call me to work there because I was equipped, because in my eyes I wasn't... but God equipped me every single day on the job to be led by His Holy Spirit. I saw that manifest today as I asked Mark, the victim in the crash today, all the questions needed to pinpoint any underlying issues. I've never sat down and studied a script on what to ask/what not to ask... but through great teaching and the presence of Gods Holy Spirit.... He equipped me! The Hands and Feet of Christ :)