What I do believe:
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
For eternal life only comes through Jesus Christ, being God
Those who choose not to yield to the Lord and receive His grace will receive the gift of eternal death
Christ died once for All
We can have reconciliation with Him, but first we must believe that He is God and a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
There is no life apart from Christ Jesus
It is His spirit that enables us to be transformed
There is no good thing with me!
Sanctification yields Holiness
.... And there are so many truths that I stand by... We need Jesus Christ!
After departing from the sister, I spoke with my mom for a little bit and wow did the Lord use her! My mother, who is trying to work on her relationship with the Lord, revealed to me that God is grooming me right in this season! He is helping me to discern what I believe! What He has revealed to me Himself :) He is grooming me for what He has called me to! A life of ministry! I am called to be a missionary, so He is preparing me to know how to respond once someone asks me How they must be saved!
Lord, I accept what you are doing! If it be your will, that everyone should speak in tongues, as a sign of their salvation, then let it be so! But if it is not, then Lord I ask that you would make it very clear to me that what I have been proclaiming is truth! That the plan of salvation is this: For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son. And whosoever should believe in Him shall have everlasting life. This promise is to you and your childrens children. For anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved! Water Baptism is a must! We must be baptized for the initial sign that God is at work. This is a public action that serves to symbolize dying of the old man and rising, as Christ did, to present the new man. After baptism, we begin to live a life devoted to Christ! We learn and practice repentance :) We, by the grace of God, receive different fruits of the spirit, which is a representation of growth in Christ. The bible, Our Word, is our direct voice from God himself. That is our manuscript. It tells us how we should live! Our aim is not solely to go to heaven, but to be living testimonies of the redemption of Christ! He is our life!
Lastly Lord,
Thank you for being patient with me! My prayer Lord is that you would continue to help me be disciplined in learning your Word for myself! I don't think many people agree with my disagreement regarding tongues as the completion of salvation... but between you and I, I would rather be disagreed with and wait on you than be agreed with and agree on something loosely! Salvation to me is the most important decision in anyone's life and my prayer is that it will also be the greatest! Not one of confusion! Please be clarity :) I love you so much! Thank you for this time of grooming... For i realize that I am just a babe in you!