Romans 1:16

My new anthem, so greatly stated by Paul...

'For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God, for salvation, into everyone who would believe!'- Thank you Lord

The Angels....

"Although I am less than the least of all God’s people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things. His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence."~ Ephesians 3:8-11

    This mystery which Paul speaks about... 
Today, 8/12/12, amongst the blessings of the speakers, the excitement of the Holy Ghost, the transformation that has taken place, the quickening that comes through the Spirit, the entirety of the aura of Christ, we sat and listened to God's Shepard speak of that mystery. The angels, are waiting to understand why God would/could/desires to love a people that cannot do anything on their own. Can love a people that rebel, disobey, cause a stench of filth in His nostrils. How/Why God could go as far as death, to reconcile with Human beings. 
 It was at creation that the angels applauded in excitement as God, Elohim, created everything that is.  We were initially created to be a little less than the angels, but after the reconciliation, we were placed into a covenant, that placed us higher than the angels. How could God love us so much that He would lift us to such a position. Equality with the angels would even be too much... but O what unmerited love the father has bestowed upon His children! Wow.... I will leave this meditation for magnification! Thank you Lord!

My Commitment

I feel the Lord is placing on my heart more than ever to truly begin studying more on missions. More about the nations. More about those who have gone before me into the calling of full time missions. I am believing this is my season of preparation.... And I accept!

So for this upcoming year I will only be reading books dealing with Heeding the call to ministry and learning by the example been given- through bios, memoirs and etc. I am excited! My first book shall be arriving soon. Lord please give me the joy of learning!

This year...

This year...
Since I began to truly serve the Lord and move past the initial acceptance of who He is, there has been a drastic change. God has done an amazing work within me and I am  forever in debt of His grace. God doesn't have to care about our day to day partakings or our small perspective issues that we make   worse than they are... But that's why I love Him. Because even though He doesn't have to He does. He goes out of His way to have relation with us. What a mighty God we serve! Wow wow wow. Words cannot describe Him but there is a perfect name that clarifies His everything. JESUS- JEHOVAH ROI- the God who sees me! Thank you Jesus.

There are times when I am selfish,.prideful, and fail to show love the way that you require but Lord my true desire is to be made just like you. From the inside out! Please keep working on us all. My king, my father, my best friend. Thank you

Can an entire Nation be Saved in One Day?
 is hosting a one week internship on July 20th 2013 where they believe that the nation of Honduras can come to know the Lord in one day, one moment! Can every person truly be reached? There plan is to 1)Partner with the Government. 2) Assemble the largest missions movemement (2000 People). 3) Life-saving aid- bring medical professionals to this movement. 4) Mobilize the church- Bring in every local pastor of the nation and disciple them. Lastly 5) Preach to the nation! This ground breaking movement will shake the core of the 18 different states in Honduras. Every city, every village, every home and every village will be saved in one day!!! An entire nation will be bought to God!

Lord, I want to be apart of your movement that will go forth!!!!

Click link below to see promo 2013 video!

Your Will above my own Lord!

Thank you Jesus for Truth. For Salvation in your name. For your voice....
Today was an amazing day. I'm tired, but even so it was great. Lord, today something was spoken into my life, And a question was brought up. 'Has being on this trip changed my view on my calling from God'

    Gracious father, before I accepted you and began to serve you, you so clearly spoke something into my Spirit.... And that was medical missions. Even then I was excited at the opportunity of partaking in what I thought would be 'humanitarian work'.....but Lord! Then you chose me. I took heed to your call and tugging  and have come into the greatest relationship with you. Gracious father, my desire is still to partake in my two passions. Missions and nursing.... I couldn't imagine doing anything else in this lifetime but holistically serving with the pleasure of witnessing lives come to you. Jesus, is this what you have called me to? Am I on the right  path? Even through this trip you have shown me that I need to better prioritize. Better prepare. And to truly personalize everything. Thank you Lord for giving me the opportunity to strengthen just a few of my weaknesses. Lord, i trust that you would never allow me to have a passion that would steer me wrong. And while its a good desire, if its not what your blueprints have drawn out, then I want none of it. Lord, my prayer is that I would continuously learn to be sensitive to your voice. I don't want to enter into any zone where you are not. You have, not that you need, my permission to move in and through me. I will follow. I love you


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