"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." ~ 1 Corinthians 6:20- 7:1
Living in this world, Living in America, Living comfortably offers the opportunity of developing a mindset of ownership. There's many times that I have thought to myself, 'you bought it so it's by right yours' or even with the court systems... If a couple gets divorced, if there was no Prenuptial agreement, it gets split down the line 50/50 whether fair or not. Everyone comes to the point where they feel like they deserve something...
In 1st Corinthians 6 and 7 the writer says it so perfectly, that "I am not my Own, I was purchased at a Price" and of course the owner he is referring to Is Christ. Christ purchased us with his blood that was shed on Calvary, something that he will never inquire a refund for. Knowing that this life that i live is not my own, and that i was made for a purpose gives so much clarity on my role as a Child of God. In Romans it says to 'present yourselves as Living Sacrifices, Holy and Pleasing' and that is a mandate that we have been given. That is our way of saying thank you... The only worship that will please our Savior. But it's a day to day thing! Walking after the spirit leads to walking in obedience!
"Lord, you o Lord alone know my heart. Because you have created it. Even in my most sensitive times, you have given me your heart to carry. I want to grow deeper and deeper in your love... Amen