Ezekiel was told by the Lord, while standing in the valley of dry bones, that he had the power, in the Name of the Holy Spirit, to awaken those bones. To reform them with all of their tendons, to begin the blood to circulate through, to make flesh cover them. The Lord told Ezekiel to tell the dry bones that he would put breath within them and they will come to life. And that is exactly what he did. (Ezekiel 37)
Today in my quiet time, the Lord reminded me that i have the ability to renew dead things. For the longest, i have felt dead. I have friends and people that i know here who just need the breath of the Lord.
I prayed over my self today, in the name of Jesus, that my spirit would be renewed and these dead tired bones would come to life. I prayed knowing that the Lord would do so and that is exactly what he did. But it doesn't stop there.... It is the devil that comes to kill, the Lord will never give you a spirit that is incompetent of calling out his name. The Lord is gracious in all that he does and seeks for us to have intimacy with him. It is because of him, his name, his dying on the cross that i give him praise!
Sometimes i feel as though i run two steps closer to God then 2 steps back... But i know that with those two steps back the Lord only draws closer to me. James 4:8.
Father i love you. And event though satan wants me to stop asking you to give me strength, i will anyhow, because i know that if i come to my father, you will not give me a serpent, but you will give me what i need! Father I need you. Not just everyday, but every Second. Lord you are my first true love!
Father, i come to you, my provider, my victorious father, i thank you for never leaving or forsaking you, my hope is found in you! Amen.